
New year thoughts

the dog-walkers christmas tree

Today I have the feeling I am ready to step into the new year. I've spent a few days clearing up at home and have been thinking about some changes, and new paths that call me.

Last year, the word I chose for the year was 'value'. Now I have to confess this was a word which I struggled with, perhaps because of it's usual use out in the world. I know that's not it's only use though. Over time I forgot which word I chose. Maybe re-evaluate would have been a better word, as I sorted and cleared. But that might imply some answers, and to some bigger questions, which I don't have yet! Everything could change.

So my loved ones, some treasured belongings, a few things I spend time doing. It's simple really. Some parts of myself I found again. I found out there is room for more.

My aims for this year:-


* To keep encouraging and supporting my son and building on our relationship.

 * To honour his boundaries as a young adult, whilst looking after my own.

 * To keep practising my own self-care and trusting in my own life.

 * To model healthy eating.

 * To stretch everyday. This is so good for me.

 * To do some decorating and repairs.

 * To finish the de-cluttering, especially photos!

 * To think about how I want to live, what other options there might be.


 * To add things to my etsy shop.

 * What's happened to Conchetta Conchetta?!

 * To take more photos with my real camera.

 * To creatively repair and make more of my clothes.


 * To keep researching and exploring the whole tiny house, simple living ideas. (inspiration)

 * To try and source more ethically made and produced clothes where possible.

 * To share my inspirations where I can.


My word for this year is 'Truth'. It only came to me yesterday, so I hope it's right. I want to be able to stand in my truth. To follow my truth and to let people know, how I want to live in this life of mine and what's worth standing up for :-)

so a HAPPY NEW YEAR! to all.




  1. Wishing you a wonderful New Year too and that you achieve all that you hope for.

  2. Happy New Year! It will be interesting to see how the year unfolds for you. I'm going to have a look at the Project 333 site. One of the main reasons I started sewing some of my own clothes was to avoid buying clothes that have been made in countries where workers are grossly underpaid, and safety regulations are non-existent. I eat gluten-free, and have for over five years now. My attempts at cutting sugar out of my diet have been less than successful. I hope 2017 is kind to you, and to all of us.

    1. Thank you! I still eat sweet things, but not anything with sugar on the label. So if is sweetened with dried fruits or or perhaps maple syrup I may have it. I will write a post more about that soon I hope. x


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